Sunday, September 5, 2010


One time car czar, Bret Rattner has written a book about his experiences in that role and it appears that it may expose yet another lie told by Barack Obama; I know, we all lost count a long time ago but that shouldn't diminish the noteworthiness, should it? When GM became 'Government Motors', Obama assured Americans in an exchange with Fox News's Major Garrett that his administration would not get involved with the day to day operations; they would be a non-active shareholder.

Via Verum Serum, here's that exchange:

While you're digesting that, take a look at this from the Detroit News:
Before his ouster as GM’s CEO, Fritz Henderson proposed moving GM headquarters from Detroit’s Renaissance Center to the automaker’s Tech Center in Warren, arguing it would save money, and symbolize a commitment by the company’s leadership to be more hands-on managers.

Rattner praised the idea. But a White House aide, Brian Deese, who has been heavily involved in auto policy, denounced it.

“Are you out of your mind?” Rattner quoted Deese as saying. “Think what it would do to Detroit.”

Henderson proposed donating the iconic headquarters on the Detroit River to the city. Detroit received $20 million in tax revenue from GM.
According to Rattner, the decision ultimately came down from Rahm Emanuel that GM could not move to Warren.

Sounds like meddling, doesn't it.

Big h/t to Verum Serum

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