Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hatem Abudayyeh is the Executive Director of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN). The AAAN is the group responsible for sponsoring the 2003 dinner for Obama friend Rashid Khalidi. The Los Angeles Times was in possession of a videotape before the 2008 election that showed Barack Obama speaking about Khalidi at that event but refused to release it. Last week, the FBI raided the home of Abudayyeh, reportedly seeking documents that show connections to Hamas.

Now it is learned that earlier this year, in April Abudayyeh visited the White House. In light of recent developments, that visit should be explained immediately.

Khalidi is also the man who founded the AAAN. When Obama was director of the Woods Foundation in the 1990's, he oversaw $40,000 in grant money issued to the AAAN. Abudayyeh rose up through the ranks after joining AAAN in 1999.

In addition to the $40,000 in grant money from the Woods Foundation, the AAAN also received well over $450,000 in City Taxpayer grants since 1998. That timeline, when coupled with Obama's political career is interesting since Obama's political career was launched in the home of Bill Ayers. Obama started his career as a state senator in 1997.

Big h/t to Gateway Pundit. Here is the local ABC affiliate's news report.

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