Wednesday, October 20, 2010


This all started during Rush Limbaugh's October 19th program. He read a quote attributed to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) that disturbed him to the point that he asked his producers on-air to get Issa on the phone in the next segment. Sure enough, Issa was on the phone per Rush's request. The exchange started out cordially enough with Issa thanking Rush for giving him the opportunity to explain how the Wall Street Journal took one small quote of his to make it appear he said something he didn't.

Here is the quote in question via WSJ:
"It's pretty clear the American people expect us to use the existing gridlock to create compromise and advance their agenda," said Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.). "They want us to come together [with the administration] after we agree to disagree."
Now for the audio..

This is awesomely awesome. Issa is actually one of the good guys. If the Republicans take back the House, he will be the chairman of the House Oversight Committee on Government Reform and he is poised to do some serious investigating of this administration after getting subpoena power.

That's not what this was about and Limbaugh clearly got Issa's attention in this exchange.

Via HapBlog

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