Monday, October 25, 2010


On October 23rd, Cliff Kincaid of America's Survival attended 'Green Fest' in Washington, D.C. In attendance was none other than Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn as well as Code Pink's Media Benjamin. This event was fresh off the heels of an exhaustive report completed by Kincaid in which he explored the extremely likely possibility that Bernadine Dohrn planted the bomb that killed San Francisco police officer Brian McDonnell in February of 1970. Larry Grathwohl, whom you hear Kincaid refer to in the first video was an FBI informant at the time and testified under oath that Bill Ayers told him Dohrn planted that bomb.

I posted the first video before but here are all three including comments from Kincaid at America's Survival: Kincaid: Video One: Bernardine Dohrn, who praised the Manson Family mass murders, tells America's Survival, Inc. President Cliff Kincaid to get away when he questions her about her involvement in the bombing murder of Police Sergeant Brian V. McDonnell. "Preposterous," she says., Her husband Bill Ayers (with the ear ring) rescues her from Kincaid. Finally, a Dohrn groupie grabs Kincaid's camera and it goes black. The beginning of the video shows Dohrn talking with Medea Benjamin of Code Pink. She calls Kincaid the "pack of lies guy" because of his questions during the question-and-answer period following their remarks.

Kincaid: Video Two: Dohrn says she is not insane or a murderer. Ayers and Dohrn talk about revolutionary movements at Green Fest and denounce questions from Cliff Kincaid as a "pack of lies." The questions were about Dohrn praising the Manson Family murders and the dedication of their Praire Fire Manifesto to Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. Dohrn talks about "our past" and the "handouts" distributed by Cliff Kincaid and Trevor Loudon about their involvement in terrorism. She says they are "pawns" to get at Obama.

Kincaid: Video Three: "Green Fest" conference organizer Kevin Danaher (of Global Exchange) tells Cliff Kincaid that he won't talk on the record about why they invited unrepentant communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn to their event The silence is deafening. "Do you want to stay in the event?" Danaher asks, implying that Kincaid could be booted out. "Are you going to call the police on me?" Kincaid asks.

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