Thursday, October 28, 2010


And you thought John Kerry couldn't get any lower than what he did in 1971, comparing American troops to 'Jengis Kahn.' Well, apparently he can. While attending a groundbreaking ceremony in his home state, an Imam concluded the proceedings by exhorting everyone to chant, 'Allah hu Akbar' and Senator Kerry allegedly obliged - twice.

Via New English Review:
He delivered a Muslim prayer, did this Abdullah Farooq who once told Muslims they should, if they felt it necessary, "reach for their guns," and he asked the whole audience to join him in proclaiming "Allahu Akbar" -- a Muslim statement of elation -- of elative and relative triumph over the Infidels, for Allah is the Greatest, and Allah is also Greater for it says not that "God is Great" but that "God, the Muslim God, Allah," is greater than the God of the Christians or the Jahweh of the Jews.

And when the audience did as it was told, he berated them for not being enthusiastic and loud enough, and insisted that again they all say with him, this time more loudly, and with feeling: : Allahu Akbar.

And so they dutifully, or sheepishly, did.

And among those who lustily shouted "Allahu Akbar" was the man sitting next to Abdullah Farooq: Senator John Kerry.
Of course, though he didn't attend, earlier this year, Kerry was invited to speak at a CAIR event alongside Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al-Bana.

h/t to Weasel Zippers

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