Thursday, October 14, 2010


It may have been a good thing that Nidal Malik Hasan wasn't killed on November 5, 2009 because there was some very gruesome and graphic testimony given on the first day of his Article 32 hearing. Perhaps people will begin to wakeup to what we're really facing. The story of Alonzo Lunsford, a Sgt. who was shot five times by Hasan.

Via the Statesman:
The morning’s first witness was Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, a 20-year Army veteran who worked in the soldier readiness processing center, which he said was unusually busy on Nov. 5 with soldiers getting ready to deploy to Iraq. He testified that he saw Maj. Nidal Hasan shout “Allah Akbar” and pull out a gun, shooting toward soldiers using an infrared laser sight.

Lunsford testified that he immediately crouched down and tried to run out a back door.

“When I stood up Major Hasan makes eye contact. I looked at him and he looked at me,” Lunsford said. “I saw the laser come across my line of sight. I close my eyes. I get hit in the head.”

Lunsford said he hit the floor as blood pooled under his left eye. After a few moments, Lunsford said he leaped up and ran out of the building, tumbling to the ground. He later learned he had been shot an additional four times.

During his testimony, Lunsford stood up and identified Hasan as the shooter.
I spoke to someone present at this hearing who said the anger exhibited by Lunsford toward Hasan was so intense, there was concern things might get physical. That didn't happen and Lunsford's discipline is obviously unassailable.

h/t to Jawa

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