Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This time, South Carolina Democrat Senatorial candidate Alvin Greene is interviewed by liberal whack job and easily unhinged MSNBC show host Lawrence O'Donnell. Normally, O'Donnell comes across as completely off his rocker but when doing this Alvin Greene interview, he looks quite mainstream. That is until the end when he actually admits he prefers Greene to DeMint after listening to the man make absolutely no sense for five straight minutes. Someone needs to teach Alvin about nuance and segues. As the interview starts out, O'Donnell playfully asks Greene if he's a witch. Greene was so focused on his talking points, he couldn't even see the intended humor of the question.

Greene did the same thing when O'Donnell prodded him about the origin of a nickname the Democrat nominee received in high school. My curiosity is definitely piqued. After watching this, you're guaranteed to have an almost morbid curiosity about why Alvin used to be called, "Turtle."

It just goes downhill from there.

Via The Blaze

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