Friday, October 29, 2010


U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) led the House floor in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance back in 2002 and clearly omitted the words 'under God.' A blogger was able to find footage of this event and it managed to go viral. Perhaps even more amazing than McCollum omitting those two words while appearing adamant and indignant while doing so is how she has reacted to the fact that she actually omitted those two words. In a press release, she actually blamed conservatives.

First, here's the video from 2002:

Now for the Press Release:
October 26, 2010 -- McCollum Honors Pledge of Allegiance and “One Nation Under God"

Congresswoman condemns radical right-wing agenda of hate, intolerance and racism

St. Paul, MN -- Congresswoman Betty McCollum honors and respects the Pledge of Allegiance and believes the United States is one Nation under God. She has led the Pledge of Allegiance on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives numerous times as can be seen in these video links.

Conservatives are using an eight year old video clip to incite hate, racism, and intolerance among Tea Party Republicans. This right-wing effort to call into question Congresswoman McCollum's Christian faith, her belief in God, and her patriotism is blatantly anti-American and all too similar to the extremists who earlier this year mailed a soiled American flag to her Congressional office and threatened the Congresswoman with violence.

Congresswoman McCollum rejects this radical agenda and condemns the extremist tactics behind this poisonous political exploitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The site that originally posted the video from 2002, Norcalblogs, is reporting that McCollum staffers are posting comments on his site and one of the arguments - if you can believe this one - is that McCollum didn't say "Under God" because she was taking a breath.


h/t to Gateway Pundit

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