Sunday, October 10, 2010


Did Jesse Jackson have a 'Tea Party' moment when he said that the government induces poverty? Not really, it was more like him inadvertently saying something truthful without understanding the words coming out of his own mouth. Jesse is just another in a long line of examples of people who do not understand where money comes from - or pretends not to understand. The argument, I guess, is that the U.S. government - currently run by a socialist administration by the way - only takes care of the rich as the poor flounders in poverty.

Uh, I thought the election of Barack Obama was supposed to change all of that, Jesse. Here he is at the October 2nd 'One Nation' rally which featured a slew of commies, marxists, and socialists in attendance. Take note of how sycophantic the woman is with Jesse. She just wants to say something that he'll agree with and in so doing, champions socialism herself.

When will people finally see this guy for the pimp he is?

Via The Blaze

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