Friday, October 15, 2010


What better way to demonstrate that you're a man of the cloth who represents the best of your religion than to rant and rave in response to a question from a reporter you don't like, thereby whipping up your entourage into a frenzy? Watch as this Imam's supporters punch and beat a reporter who asked physically attack someone who asks you a question you don't like?

Via Jihad Watch:
Shahi Imam of the Delhi Jama Masjid, Maulana Syed Ahmed Bukhari, on Thursday lost his cool when a journalist questioned him regarding the Ayodhya verdict during a press conference, following which he was thrashed by supporters of the cleric.

Mohammed Abdul Waheed Chisti, a reporter with a local Urdu daily, raised a question relating to the ownership of the disputed site before the construction of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya.

Chisti asked the Shahi Imam to spell out his stand on the mention of King Dashrath's name in land records of 1528 before the Babri mosque was constructed.

Initially, Bukhari skirted the question but when the journalist insisted, he was threatened.

"Get him out of this conference, Bukhari shouted while accusing the journalist of working against the interests of the Muslims," he said.

Bukhari's supporters then thrashed the journalist in full public glare.

People like him will 'not be tolerated by Muslims at any cost,' the Shahi Imam said before leaving the press conference....
Thou doth protest a bit too much?

h/t to Jihad Watch

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