Tuesday, October 26, 2010


This attempt at citing a source was so pathetic, even Joy Behar couldn't carry it through to the finish line. She stopped on the last letter of the group 'Media Matters' which is perhaps the most far left group in America today. Instead she says 'Media Matter type groups' when citing a source for someone who has determined that NPR is 'very balanced, unlike Fox.' Media Matters is an arm of George Soros while Behar calls Fox the 'arm of the Republican Party.'

Let's re-cap. Juan Williams, a devout yet polite liberal is fired from NPR for innocuous comments he made about his own personal reaction to being on a plane with others wearing 'Muslim garb.' Williams is obviously too far right for NPR who has absolutely ZERO conservative viewpoints working there.

Conversely, Juan Williams (liberal) has been a contributor to Fox for years. Fox has plenty of liberal commentators. In fact, both sides are represented in debates. Bob Beckel, Kirstin Powers, Alan Colmes, Jason Levine, Leslie Marshall, just to name a few. Let's also not forget that Shepard Smith is a liberal too and he has his own show(s) on Fox.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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