Monday, October 25, 2010


To say that Karl Rove's appearance on CBS' Face the Nation was a case of guest dressing down host and paddling him for eight minutes comes as close to not being a metaphor as you can get. In fact, the only thing Karl Rove didn't say that he should have was, 'Is that the best you can do, Bob?' Try as he might, Schieffer could not get around the blatant hypocrisy when he attempted to call Rove on the matter of unnamed contributors. Rove continued to bring it back to the lack of outrage when the left does it.

Instead of acknowledging the point, Schieffer kept wanting to go back to 'the original question.' I didn't think there was anything left of the mask on the liberal media but Schieffer pulled off another layer with this blatantly biased line of questioning.

Rove almost - note, I said 'almost' - redeems himself for the treatment he gave Christine O'Donnell.

h/t Hapblog

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