Friday, November 26, 2010


This one is disturbing on multiple levels but honoring Helen Thomas with a sculpture is definitely vying for the top spot. The Arab American Action Network (AAAN) was founded by close Obama friend Rashid Khalidi and has had its Chicago office raided in recent months. In December, the AAAN will be featuring Thomas, who will be giving a speech as the group's preference for Arab Dean of the White House Press Corps. Khalidi was also a spokesman for the PLO at one time.

Via Cliff Kincaid at Accuracy in Media:
The Arab American National Museum, based in Dearborn, Michigan, is currently raising funds for a Helen Thomas Sculpture Project, in order to create a sculpture honoring Thomas. The Arab American National Museum is an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution.

But plans to honor Thomas—and questions about how she should be treated in the history of journalism in the U.S.—have become increasingly controversial because of the questions surrounding the AAAN and its executive director, Hatem Abudayyeh. His home was raided on September 24 as part of an FBI investigation into illegal support provided by U.S.-based groups to foreign terrorist organizations in the Middle East and Latin America.

Incredibly, the raid followed a friendly visit to the White House by Abudayyeh earlier this year.

A long-time White House correspondent, Thomas served as a columnist for Hearst newspapers before her anti-Israel views, termed anti-Semitic by many critics, became too controversial and she was forced to step down from her journalistic perch. In a controversial video appearance, recorded by Rabbi David Nesenoff for his “Rabbi Live” program, Thomas said the Jews ought to “get the hell out of Palestine” and presumably turn the land over to the Arabs and Muslims. She also said they should return to countries like Germany and Poland, where the Holocaust took place, which ultimately led to the creation of the Jewish homeland in Israel.
Let's unpack this one a little bit. Helen Thomas' exodus from her job with the White House Press Corps. was directly attributable to her clearly anti-semitic (RACIST) views being captured on video. Now, she is set to be honored - with a Sculpture - by a group Obama's longtime friend founded; the group is now led by a guy with alleged terror ties who is on record as having been a visitor to the White House.

And it's the Tea Party that's racist?

Yeah, right..

As a refresher, here's Helen in all of her Racist glory...

Read it all.

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