Monday, November 15, 2010


On November 21st from 2pm - 8pm CST, the Forum for Middle East Understanding (FFMU) will be presenting multiple speakers at the Killeen Civic Center in Killeen, TX to relay the truth about what happened at Fort Hood last year. The event's primary sponsor is the International Counter-Terrorism Officer's Association (ICTOA) and will be featuring speakers like former Muslim terrorists turned Christians, Walid Shoebat and Kamal Saleem. Also speaking will be Robert Spencer, founder of Jihad Watch, Retired Delta Force General WIlliam "Gerry" Boykin, and others.

"Remember the Alamo, Remember Fort Hood." Here is the television spot for the event that will be airing on local television this week. The man's voice you hear in the spot is that of Texas talk show host Lynn Woolley, who will be MC'ing the event.

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