Monday, November 1, 2010


The journolist culture lives. After hanging up the phone with Tea Party favorite in Alaska, Joe Miller, members of the CBS affiliate in Anchorage - KTVA - failed to hang up the phone after leaving a message for Miller's spokesman, Randy DeSoto. While it's reminiscent of what happened in California when Jerry Brown failed to hang up after leaving a message for the Los Angeles Police Protective League, this one could be far more damaging.

After Brown thought he hung up, an associate could be heard calling his opponent, Meg Whitman a 'whore.' After the staffers at KTVA thought they hung up, they can be heard plotting to find child molesters in the audience of a Joe Miller event. It is definitely the same culture that we saw when the Journolist scandal broke a few months ago in which it was revealed that multiple supposed journalists conspired to put Obama in the White House.

This is an utter disgrace. Floyd Reports has more.

Via Breitbart.

After listening to that, would you expect that KTVA would possibly attempt to spin or deny what you just heard? If you said, 'no' you'd be wrong. POLITICO posted KTVA's statement, which called the claims that its staff said the things you just heard, 'Absurd.'

h/t Verum Serum

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