Friday, November 19, 2010


I guess we saw this one coming. After far left West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller (D) was caught on video advocating that Fox News and MSNBC both get shut down, far left liberal Ed Schultz made the senator the subject of his 'Psycho talk' segment on his MSNBC show. Schultz appeared apoplectic over the motive of Rockefeller to say such things and cited several examples of how MSNBC actually helped the cause of Rockefeller.

What's amazing is how blind Schultz seems to be to what Rockefeller is doing. It isn't about MSNBC; it's about Fox. Rockefeller would gladly throw MSNBC under the bus if it meant getting rid of Fox. By doing so, he can make himself appear non-partisan on the issue.

The reality is that the Tea Party movement coupled with shows like Beck and Hannity on Fox have Rockefeller scared and if they can be neutered by pulling the plug on a network nobody watches, he'd gladly do it. Apparently, Schultz doesn't understand that.

h/t HapBlog


  1. You write as if you thought Schultz was smart. You overestimate him

  2. I'm done with your blog Mr. Barrack. There is no one else other than an occasional comment from "Larry". I am not wasting my time anymore. I am looking for people who want to "chat" about something important yet no one comes here to do it.
