Friday, November 5, 2010


MSNBC's resident liberal whack job, Ed Schultz seems fixated on the notion that Republicans are going to attempt to impeach Obama. There are two schools of thought here. One, Schultz is a loon and two, he's sounding the alarm because there's really something to it. The Republican establishment, which would include soon-to-be chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Darrell Issa (R-CA) has actually been channeling Chris Matthews, saying it's his job to 'make the president a success.'

So where is Schultz getting all this? After blogs reported his fixation, Schultz passed the buck to House minority Whip James Clyburn. Here is the video via Breitbart:

Prior to pointing to Clyburn, Schultz drew attention to himself. Via MediaIte, Here's a montage of him expressing his concern:

Whether impeachment happens or not, it's beyond likely that the Obama White House will have to deal with a slew of subpoenas. Unlike Issa, the soon-to-be chairman of the House Judiciary committee is striking a stronger tone. WOAI in San Antonio reports on Lamar Smith (R-TX):
The San Antonio Congressman who is in line to become chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee is promising 'a number of investigations and oversight committee actions' which he vows will 'hold the administration accountable,’ 1200 WOAI news reports.

Veteran Republican Lamar Smith, a Yale graduate and social conservative who grew up in the brush country of south Texas which is now transit point for illegal immigrants and drugs, said in a news conference that a number of issues will come into the sights of his committee when he takes the chairmanship in January, from cracking down on child pornography to taking the Obama Administration to task for failing to do enough to protect the southern border.
Perhaps Sgt. Schultz knows something after all.

The Daily Caller has more on liberal paranoia over impeachment.

h/t to Western Journalism

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