Thursday, November 18, 2010


Before Barack Obama burst on the scene at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, George Soros was almost certainly going to put all of his support behind Hillary in 2008. Then, in early 2007, Soros backed Obama instead and was instrumental in helping Obama get the nomination and ultimately the presidency. It now appears that the man who likes to play God is falling a bit short in the Omnipotent department and is recommending that progressives distance themselves from Obama.

Via the Huffington Post:
WASHINGTON -- At a private meeting on Tuesday afternoon, George Soros, a longtime supporter of progressive causes, voiced blunt criticism of the Obama administration, going so far as to suggest that Democratic donors direct their support somewhere other than the president.

The Hungarian-American financier was speaking to a small side gathering of donors who had convened in Washington D.C. for the annual gathering of the Democracy Alliance -- a formal community of well-funded, progressive-minded individuals and activists.

According to multiple sources with knowledge of his remarks, Soros told those in attendance that he is "used to fighting losing battles but doesn't like to lose without fighting."

"We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line," he said, according to several Democratic sources. "And if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."
Though a spokesman for Soros didn't deny the quotes, he DID deny that Soros is advocating a primary run against Obama but how anyone can deny that's what he's talking about is laughable.

When Hillary finally decides to throw her hat in the ring for 2012 - at this point, it's a matter of 'when,' not 'if' - look for Soros to change horses soon thereafter and support Hillary who is likely, right now telling Uncle George, 'I told you so.'

h/t Hot Air

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