Tuesday, November 9, 2010


One of the consequences of huge Republican gains in the recent elections is the introduction of a bill similar to Arizona's SB 1070 that would allow local officials to enforce national immigration laws. State legislatures all across the country saw huge pickups but Texas Republicans in particular now have 99 of the 150 state house seats, leaving them just one short of a two-thirds majority. It didn't take Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) to get her bill on the table either.

Via WOAI in San Antonio:
Less than an hour after the period began for filing bills for consideration in the 2011 Legislative session, State Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball), a leader of the newly muscular conservatives in the Legislature, filed an 'Arizona style' measure that would crack down on illegal immigration, 1200 WOAI news reports.

Riddle says her measure is a response to what she says is the escalating violence caused by Mexican and Latin American gangs in Texas.

"It is absolutely out of control with the gang related crime, which is going through the roof, so, yes, we are addressing this, and quite frankly, I am not worried about political correctness," Riddle told 1200 WOAI news.
Chalk another one up for the ladies. They're racking up quite a few victories over their male counterparts lately.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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