Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Last week, 13 year-old Cody Alicea rode to school on his bike while sporting a U.S. flag. When he got there, he was ordered by the school to remove the flag because it could cause 'racial tensions.' The reasons cited by school officials were utterly disgraceful and got to the root of why so many American patriots are up in arms these days. Cody was told to remove the flag because while he has a First Amendment right to free speech, he should be responsible with it.

Via UPI:
Denair Unified School District Superintendent Edward Parraz said Cody Alicea, 13, was told not to fly the U.S. flag from his bike while at Denair Middle School after complaints from other students, KCRA-TV, Sacramento, Calif., reported.

"(The) First Amendment is important," Parraz said. "We want the kids to respect it, understand it, and with that comes a responsibility."

Parraz said racial tensions boiled over at the school this year around the Cinco de Mayo holiday.

"Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, you know, bring their Mexican flags and they'll display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation, and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don't really want," Parraz said. "We want them to appreciate the cultures."
Yes, I did say this was a 'Feel Good' story. Days after the outrageous stance taken by the school, they relented after public pressure and Cody was allowed to ride to school with his flag again.

However, this time he had an entourage! Much more HERE.

h/t Gateway Pundit

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