Saturday, November 13, 2010


New Jersey Governor Chris Christie just keeps on impressing audiences and viewers with his message - his inexplicable support for Mike Castle notwithstanding. Here are two videos of him that will not disappoint. First up, he identifies by name, a man he sees as the perfect example of the greedy mindset of high ranking government union officials. The man's name is LeRoy Seitz, Superintendent of the Parsippany public school district in New Jersey.

Christie's reason for singling out Seitz? Salary caps for Superintendents are set to go into place beginning in February of next year. Seitz's current contract ends in July. Christie's charge is that Seitz saw the writing on the wall and didn't want to accept the cut in pay so he pushed for a school board vote to give him a five-year contract extension that will pay more than $220,000 / year, which is well over the coming cap.

Shortly after this speech, that vote took place and Seitz got that extension. He also got himself a Public Relations nightmare courtesy of his Governor. Awesome stuff:

Now for video number 2. Here, Christie explains why he is governing the way he is and assures people he will not back down.

True leadership on display.

h/t to Hot Air for both videos.

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