Monday, November 8, 2010


The anonymous blogger known as 'Ulsterman' has posted another interview he allegedly had with an anonymous 'White House insider,' who is ostensibly an extremely disenfranchised Democrat with a huge load of buyer's remorse over supporting Barack Obama and working for his campaign in 2008. The Insider predicts that Nancy Pelosi will NOT succeed in her bid to become the House minority leader and also that a huge scandal will bust open in 2011 that could reach the president. Yeah, those don't sound like overly bold predictions but this person has delivered some very specific information in the past that proved to be correct.

Via NewsFlavor:
Ulsterman….do you think the president is going to pull a Clinton and veer back to the middle of the political road?

Insider: (shakes head) I have said it many times – Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton. He doesn’t have Clinton’s intellect, Clinton’s political know-how, or Clinton’s common sense. Barack Obama is too self involved, too bored of details, too lazy. But even more important, Barack Obama doesn’t have the people around him who will allow a turn toward the political middle. Many of the moderates in the Democratic Party were taken out with this election. What is left are the far left people – the -expletive- “Progressives” if you will. They are still in denial. Never before has such a group of like minded dumb -expletives- inhabited the halls of the United States government.
Here is part of the exchange about Pelosi:
Ulsterman: I want to ask you about Nancy Pelosi. You know people in her office, right?

Insider: Maybe. I hear things, yeah.

Ulsterman: You have said more than once that she is finished as Speaker. Now she has come out and declared her intent to be Minority Leader. Have you been proven wrong?

Insider: Wrong? Is she going to remain on as Speaker of the House? No, she is not. The Democrats lost. I don’t think I said anything specifically about her being Minority Leader, or not much at any rate. But—-

Ulsterman: (Interrupts) So will Nancy Pelosi be the minority leader in the House? Is she staying on as a member of Congress, because that would seem to contradict what you were telling me earlier…

Insider: No. No I don’t think she is going to be Minority Leader. She doesn’t have the backing. That’s the word I have received from many different sources, including members of Congress. What Nancy Pelosi is doing now is trying to save face. It is desperate…and well, kind of pathetic too. I will say this with absolute certainty – if she does not get the minority leader position, she is leaving Congress. She has said that directly to members of her caucus.
Read it all.

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