Saturday, December 4, 2010


This is not technically news but it's a great use of facts to illustrate a much larger point regarding the South Carolina Senatorial election last month. Inexplicably, a guy named Alvin Greene won the Democratic party's nomination for U.S. Senate. Many speculated - and for good reason - that the voters there were so uneducated about the candidates, they gave Greene the nomination because his name reminded them of the 70's R&B singer, Al Green.

In light of what information about Greene then became available to voters in the run-up to the general, it should have been inconceivable that he would garner any real number of votes. Well, the truth is that despite many YouTube looks into who Greene really was, more than 358,000 South Carolinians voted for him.

Doug Ross makes an EXCELLENT point. Despite winning re-election in a landslide, Jim DeMint's opponent (Greene) actually proved how intellectually bankrupt so many people inside the Democrat party are. Yet, the leftwing media portrays Sarah Palin and her supporters as stupid. In fact, the case could be made that anyone who voted for Greene in the general - even after the spotlight revealed how inept the guy was - were exponentially more brain dead than anyone who voted for him in the primary based on musical tastes.

There are so many Alvin Greene moments to choose from to underscore the point but this should do the trick.

One final point on the number of zombies in America. Going back one year, Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index has shown the number of Americans who strongly approve of Barack Obama's job performance has virtually remained unchanged - hovering between 20% - 30% consistently. It would not surprise me in the least if close to 100% of the 358,069 voters who pulled the lever for Greene are in that category as well. I've been lightly scratching my head on the approval index but no more. The answer is no more complicated than stupidity. Period.

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