Thursday, December 16, 2010


The phrase 'Friends of Angelo' conjures up memories of Chris Dodd and the Country Wide scandal. Now we have Friends of Cleaver. If you remember Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), he's the congressman who was allegedly spit on during passage of the Obamacare bill last March during which accusations that Tea Party members called black congressmen the "N" word were disproven.

Cleaver (pictured) has now been busted for a $48 Billion earmark that would be destined for the home of one his friends named Lamar Mickens, who runs a tax exempt day care center out of his home.

Via Gateway Pundit links to an article in the Southeast Missourian, which has more details on the Cleaver / Mickens relationship:
Proposed by a gentleman named Lamar Mickens, president of the not-for-profit Quality Day Campus, the $48 billion earmark would funnel money into the inner cities to give money to the poor and thereby produce a much larger consumer class to buy the goods and services produced in this country.

Just call this redistribution on steroids.

Cleaver's office says this of the proposal:

"The Epicenter is a proposed estimated $48 billion (Phase One) mass scale urban reclamation project for combating, reducing, reversing and/or eliminating poverty within under served communities by utilizing mass scale economic redevelopment to bring about stability and self reliance.
Imagine going out to your mailbox one day and finding a $48 Billion check made out to you from the American taxpayers with a note on the 'memo' line that says: For Inner City Development.

Insanity is abundant.

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