Saturday, December 11, 2010


Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress is also a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). In fact, he's one of the super majority of its members who is a registered socialist. He, like the only registered socialist in the Senate - Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is unwilling to accept Obama's compromise on the tax rate extensions in return for another year of unemployment benefits. So what does Ellison want to break the impasse? Apparently a 'Crisis.'

While appearing on (ahem) NPR in Minnesota, Ellison called for just that. Via Breitbart:

Another point Ellison tried to make in that video is that the rich people who will see their tax rates remain the same don't just buy yachts; they also buy congressmen. That's quite interesting when one considers where Ellison got much of his campaign moneyin 2006 - from the CAIR-Hamas-Saudi Arabia connection. Pathetic.

Oh, here's that list of 70 Congressmen who are also registered socialists. That means Ellison is a socialist Muslim.

For some additional perspective on who Keith Ellison is, click HERE.

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