Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Be on the lookout for people of the politically correct persuasion who deny they engage in acts of political correctness for politically correct reasons. The Diversity Committee over at the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) is in the process of 'educating' journalists not to use the term 'illegal alien' when reporting on illegal aliens. Why? Well, not because of political correctness. Of course not. It's to 'minimize harm' because illegal aliens find it offensive.

Tell you what, whacko. As an American citizen, I find it offensive not to identify criminals who engage in illegal behavior as criminals. As you read the article below, feel free to play the YouTube of Genesis performing 'Illegal Alien' below.

Via the Daily Caller:

The Diversity Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) is seeking to “inform and sensitize” reporters nationwide about how “offensive” the term “illegal immigrant” is to Latinos.

Diversity Committee member Leo Laurence announced the campaign against “illegal immigrant” and “illegal alien” terminology in the latest issue of the organization’s magazine, Quill, writing that those who have not obtained citizenship but have entered the country without any prior approval should be called “undocumented workers” or “undocumented immigrants.”

In his report, Laurence quotes SPJ Diversity Committee chairman George Daniels as saying, “this is not about being politically correct,” but about aiming to “minimize harm,” when reporting. When Daniels says “minimize harm,” he is referring to one of the major tenets of SPJ’s code of ethics, which many journalists nationwide follow.

Laurence defends SPJ’s new campaign by offering an interpretation of the Constitution that provides for constitutional rights for everyone, including non-citizens, saying that any person should be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. He said that, constitutionally, a judge is the only person who can deem anyone or anything “illegal.”
It seems to me that all of these arguments would be moot if we SECURED THE BORDER!

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