Friday, December 3, 2010


You've really got to wonder when western civilization will have had enough. We are beyond simply being poked repeatedly in the chest. We are standing down as we get kicked, smacked, slapped, spit on, beaten, mugged, whacked, paddled, etc. etc. This story provides even further proof. In 1988, Lockerbie bomber Abdulbaset Ali al-Megrahi blew up an airliner full of innocent passengers and killed 270 people.

He was sentenced to life in prison but was released last year because he had an alleged terminal illness and was expected to die soon. Not only is the dirtbag still alive but his family is suing the Scottish government for al-Megrahi's treatment while in prison.

Via the Scotsman:
COLONEL Gaddafi has revealed that the family of Lockerbie bomber Abdulbaset Ali al-Megrahi is preparing a compensation claim over "neglect" in his Scottish prison cell.

The compensation claim was branded "offensive" by MSPs last night as the Scottish Government defended its care of the bomber, who was released on compassionate grounds by Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill due to advanced prostate cancer.

However, he remains alive more than a year after his release, following intensive therapy in his homeland.

The Libyan dictator said last night: "He was released because he was considered dead, and yet he is still alive.

"His health was not looked after during his time in prison. He didn't have any periodic examination. After he passes away his family will demand compensation because he was deliberately neglected in prison."
There is a perfect example why international law should not trump nationalism. Western civilization gets what it deserves if it continues taking garbage like this.

h/t to Weasel Zippers

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