Sunday, December 12, 2010


After the November 2nd elections, the Texas state legislature came up one election shy of obtaining a Super majority in the lower chamber. More than one month later, that reality has changed as a Democrat has switched parties, Giving the Republicans that Super Majority. It will allow them to legislate without the assistance of Democrats. We are seeing the Texas state house mirror what had been a reality in the U.S. Senate - a filibuster proof majority.

Via Texas Tribune:
State Rep. Allan Ritter, D-Nederland, is telling associates he will switch to the Republican Party next week. Ritter was not immediately available for comment.

That would give the GOP a 100-member supermajority in the Legislature's lower chamber — a number that allows them to pass constitutional amendments and other matters without seeking support from the Democrats.

A Ritter switch would also give Speaker Joe Straus another vote in the House Republican Caucus, which could turn out to be the forum where the next speaker is chosen. Straus foes within the GOP say they want a leader who can get the post without depending, as Straus did two years ago, on support from the minority party. Straus says he has the majority of the Republicans on his side; a vote inside the caucus would prove it.
Of course, the downside to this is that Ritter supports Speaker Joe Straus, a RINO Republican with a 100% approval rating from NARAL (National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws), a Pro abortion group.

Conservative Republicans want to replace Straus but it is looking more and more likely that he will stay.

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