Sunday, December 26, 2010


Russians who fled their native country for the United States apparently see too many similarities between the Democrat Party and the governing philosophy of the leaders they escaped from. A consequence seems to be that those immigrants are choosing to align with the Republican Party principles of smaller government and meritocracy, where those who work hardest and smartest get rewarded most. If only the Republican establishment would see it too....

Via SiLive:
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Many Russian immigrants to the "red borough" of Staten Island are flocking to the Republican Party, saying that the national Democrats' "socialistic" policies remind them too much of the top-down oligarchy they fled in their native land.

With many of the borough's Russian arrivees already owning businesses and active in civic organizations, their muscle could help the Island GOP solidify electoral gains made this year, when the party took back congressional and Assembly seats.

Businessman Arkadiy Fridman said that the newly formed Citizens Magazine Business Club, a confederation of more than 50 Russian-owned businesses here and in Brooklyn, has aligned itself with the Molinari Republican Club (MRC) in an effort to increase the Russian community's political and economic clout.
In light of the Arizona Law SB 1070 that Obama resents so much, wouldn't it be nice to know his thoughts on this little trend?

At the end of the article, a NY State Senator is quoted as dismissing the connection between the Democrat Party and Communism as 'absurd.' Someone needs to give her the list of 70 members of the U.S. congress who are registered Socialists.

h/t Weasel Zippers

1 comment:

  1. Something I wrote back in August as to a close friend of mine and on this very subject.

    "A good friend of mine here in Vegas is from the old Soviet Union. He was lucky to get out years ago and loves his new country dearly. When we talk about this, he always asks the same thing. “Can’t we as a country see what we are doing to ourselves? Can’t we learn from past history? Could it be that we as a country now do not believe in our own principles?

    He asks this and states as follows. “I lived the horror in Russia. I’ve seen what Marxist Socialism can do to a people. I have seen it rob the will to succeed and in fact the will to live! When I lived there, the U.S. was the beacon of hope. Now, I fear that the “I wants” of our country have lost track of that.”

    He went on to say that the leadership he is witnessing now is every bit as deplorable as where he came from. He sees the beginning of the same lies, the same anti-free speech rhetoric and the same despite for free will now, in this country, as he did then. Funny, isn’t it? A lecture from someone from another country who loves our country more then her native born citizens! In all reality, it’s a harsh indictment on this Anti-American administration and it’s sheer ignorance of our basic principles.
