Sunday, December 19, 2010


Sweden's Home Office came up with a brilliant plan to dole out money to Islamic groups in return for being informed about which Muslim individuals should be put on an 'at-risk' list. The town where Stockholm bomber Taimour Abdulwahab Al-Abdaly preached received quite a bit of money even though the mosque he preached in didn't accept any. The reason given by the Islamic Center chairman about why his group didn't accept money under the Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) plan might explain why the Home Office received a big fat ZERO in ROI.

Via Daily Mail:
Islamic Centre chairman Qadeer Baksh said: ‘The reason we didn’t take the Government money for the Preventing Violent Extremism scheme is that it requires us to inform on fellow Muslims.

‘If we had taken the money our members would have seen us as working for the Government. The young men with radical views would not have listened to us.

‘I have never called the police or authorities on anyone.’
At least he's honest. Baksh's explanation provides as good a reason as any for why groups that accepted money provided not one single tip to authorities:
Muslim groups in the town where the Stockholm suicide bomber lived have been handed more than £550,000 of taxpayers’ money to combat extremism but have failed to tip off police about a single terror suspect.

The grants were handed out to mosques, schools and women’s projects by Luton council to prevent young Muslims being radicalised.

Under the Home Office’s Preventing Violent Extremism scheme, Islamic organisations are given money to stop members turning to violence. The groups are urged to reveal the names of those likely to commit violent crimes so they can be put on an ‘at-risk’ list by police.

But the Daily Mail has learnt that – despite £554,000 being given to groups in Luton since 2008 – not a single name has been handed over.
I guess we can call this 21st Century Stockholm Syndrome. At some point, shouldn't we also stop wondering why western civilization in general isn't seeing 'moderate' Muslims help much?

h/t Weasel Zippers

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