Thursday, December 2, 2010


It has long been shown that when the race card is played, it means the argument is lost and a racism charge is the last arrow in the proverbial quiver. However, while Rep. Steve King (R-IA) was on Anderson Cooper, he was accused by a black farmer of being racist for using the word 'urban' to describe Barack Obama. Yes, if you call someone 'urban' - meaning that said individual comes from an urban area - you are apparently a racist. Pretty soon, the 'U' word will be taboo too, unless you ARE one, of course.

One more thing. The exchange here between King and a black farmer named John Boyd is about the recent decision to award more monetary awards for black farmers via the 'Pigford' case. King is by far and away on the right side of this issue, which was brought to light several months ago during the Shirley Sherrod episode.

First the exchange via MediaIte:

As for the merits of the Pigford case - there really aren't any left at this point. Pigford was about monetary awards to black farmers that were discriminated against. Zombie perfectly illustrated how Pigford has been overplayed back in July. Specifically, there are more claims than there are black farmers.


And that was BEFORE Pigford II was passed this week.

h/t to Weasel Zippers

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