Sunday, December 5, 2010


Disgraced former White House press corps. reporter Helen Thomas was in Detroit on December 3rd to be honored by the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), a group with ties to terror groups. Also present was an unveiled bust of Thomas. Being in a room with Helen Thomas is bad enough but being in a room with two of them would be more than I could handle. In any event, she exhibited her racism once again.

Something else struck me in the first minute of this video. Helen bemoans being labeled by her critics at the White House as part of 'Hezbollah' and 'Hamas' and then proceeded to call such accusations "slurs." I thought Hezbollah and Hamas represented the oppressed people of the Jewish occupation so....

How can they also be slurs?

Take it away Helen. Open your mouth and remove all doubt about the real you.

Via NewsBusters:

Here is the last time Helen made the news with her racism.

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