Friday, December 10, 2010


The contents of this video could just reveal a silver lining to conservatives. Van Jones is clearly frustrated by what hasn't been done by the left since Obama was elected, which aside from being proof in and of itself that the left is never happy, demonstrates Tea Party effectiveness. Hey Van, are you serious? Your agenda has had almost two years of victory after victory. The forthrightness with which Jones speaks here also carries potentially good news. The mask is off of the left and they're all in when a fellow with the Center for American Progress (CAP), a group that advises the White House on policy is calling for insurrection.

Judge for yourselves. Isn't that what he's doing here? Paging Eric Holder.....

Via The Blaze:

Take note that Van Jones calls media "the new frontier." Obviously, that means Fox News, Talk Radio, and conservative blogs. Has anyone noticed what drum Al Sharpton continues to beat?

He wants to shut down Rush Limbaugh.

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