Wednesday, December 8, 2010


MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has officially directed one of his unhinged, incoherent and verbose rants right at Obama for caving to the Republicans on the extension of the Bush tax cuts. Consider it another fringe benefit of the deal. To set the foundation for what he believed to be an argument, Olbermann starts out by quoting Churchill, in an effort to align himself with best leader of the 20th Century - who just so happened to be a conservative. As if that wasn't enough, Olbermann went on to trash Neville Chamberlain, which is one of the people Olby sees when he looks in the mirror.

Perhaps Olbermann finally unmasked himself by calling on all Americans to support the position of the only registered socialist in the U.S. Senate, Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Keep in mind, Olbermann is chastising Obama for being too moderate. That should say all you need to know and confirm that Olbermann longs for a Soviet style government.

If pressed for time, fast forward to the 9:45 mark to see Olby in all of his unhinged glory.

Click, sit back, and enjoy the left's version of Dennis Miller as he rips into Obama.

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h/t Hapblog

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