Friday, December 31, 2010


Who would have guessed that the most ridiculous statement of the year would have come in the last week of the year? Whether you term this line of reasoning spin, rationalization, or sheer insanity, it comes with a strong dose of steroids. The argument is even put forth by someone who carries the title of 'professor.' Her name is Melissa Harris-Perry this is from a segment with a guest host on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show. Perry's argument - I think - is that Michael Vick should be cut some proverbial slack because in the days of slavery, dogs were used against blacks and there is still resentment toward them.

She even references the 1960's when police under Bull Connor would use dogs against blacks during times of civil unrest. At some point, Vick is going to become a hero of the left and conservatives are going to be blamed for how his dogs were tortured.

One small problem. Bull Connor was a Democrat.

h/t NewsBusters

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