Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Sheriff Clarence Dupnik is racking up quite the history of saying and doing things that run counter to what he should legally say and do. Last April, he publicly called S.B. 1070 a 'racist' law and said he would instruct his deputies not to enforce it. Then, ever since Saturday, he has been potentially tampering with an investigation by ascribing blame for the Safeway massacre to people without evidence. Now, his department is refusing to release data it has on Jared Loughner.

This latest stunt by Dupnik could be a violation of the law.

Via AZ Central:
Sheriff's Department and community-college officials in Pima County are refusing to release a wide range of public documents about the man charged in Saturday's shooting rampage that left six dead and more than a dozen wounded.

The Pima County Sheriff's Department and Pima Community College have declined to release documents that could shed light on run-ins they had with 22-year-old Jared Loughner in the months prior to the shooting.

The Arizona Public Records Law requires that records be "open to inspection by any person at all times" unless officials can prove releasing the information would violate rights of privacy or confidentiality or otherwise harm the best interests of the state.

The Arizona Republic requested that records, including incident reports on campus and calls for dispatch of deputies to Loughner's home, be released under the law. Such reports are often released as a matter of course in criminal cases.
Dupnik could be a criminal.

More here.

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