Wednesday, January 12, 2011


What would happen if a male congressman referred to a woman as 'attractive' but not 'intellectually' capable of being able to understand what's going on? The National Organization for Women (NOW) and other feminists groups would be up in arms, right? How dare a man cite a female's looks while diminishing her intellect?! Uh, not so much when the male is Democratic Rep. James Clyburn and the female is Sarah Palin.

Making Clyburn's charge even more egregious is that what Palin doesn't understand is her own culpability in the Safeway massacre.

Via The Blaze:

Contrast those incoherent ramblings with Palin's response to the scurrilous attacks on her from the left. She gets it just right by calling it 'Blood Libel.'

Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength" from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.

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