Thursday, January 13, 2011

Audio: Liberal Pundit Says Obama a 'Murderer'

The debates that are taking place as a direct result of the politicization of the Tucson shootings are literally causing the implosion of the left. On the Steve Malzberg Show, guest Marc LaMont Hill loses every single argument in this four minute clip, including the one about Loughner's potential motives. When Malzberg confronts Hill with the fact that Loughner considered the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf two of his favorite books, Hill defaults to the 'it's more complicated than that' argument.

How about if we simplify Hill's claim that such things are 'complicated.' Perhaps it's complicated because Hill himself has reverence for a female cop killer named Assata Shakur, who escaped from prison with the help of the Weather Underground, and is currently hiding in Communist Cuba.

Via The Blaze:

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