Saturday, January 29, 2011

Democrat: Limbaugh Bad, Anti-American Song Good

A state Senator in California is outraged that Rush Limbaugh would mock the speech of Chinese president Hu Jintao during his recent trip for a state dinner at the White House. Conspicuously absent from Sen. Leland Yee has been any denouncement of a the pro-Chinese / anti-American song played at that state dinner by a Chinese pianist named Lang Lang. This selective outrage should immediately call into question, Yee's loyalty to the Constitution he took an oath to uphold.

Via the AP:
Rush Limbaugh's imitation of the Chinese language during a recent speech made by Chinese President Hu Jintao has stirred a backlash among Asian-American lawmakers in California and nationally.

California state Sen. Leland Yee, a Democrat from San Francisco, is leading a fight in demanding an apology from the radio talk show host for what he and others view as racist and derogatory remarks against the Chinese people.

In recent days, the state lawmaker has rallied civil rights groups in a boycott of companies like Pro Flowers, Sleep Train and Domino's Pizza that advertise on Limbaugh's national talk radio show.
Yet, where is Yee's outrage about Lang Lang performing a song at the White House less than ten days earlier in which American troops were referred to as "jackals?"

While the White House wasn't silent on Lang Lang's performance, it DID defend it by saying it was not insulting. No word yet on what the official Obama administration response to Limbaugh will be.

With that as a backdrop, sit back and enjoy a little Rush...

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