Monday, January 10, 2011


Safeway shooter Jared Loughner created his YouTube account on October 25, 2010 according to the profile posted on his page. The profile identifies him with the username 'classitup10.' The YouTube account of Gabrielle Giffords indicates that she subscribed to only two other YouTube accounts. One of those subscriptions is to Rep. Ike Skelton; the other is to none other than 'Classitup10' - Jared Loughner. Of all the people out there with a YouTube account whom a congresswoman would subscribe to, why would Giffords subscribe to two of them, with one of them being her shooter?

Click HERE to visit Giffords' YouTube page and you will be directed to a page that looks like the one below. Then click on the subscription icon of 'Classitup10' and it will direct you to Loughner's page:

Loughner apparently worked for Giffords campaign at one point but what explanation would there be for Giffords subscribing to his YouTube account, especially when Loughner was only one of two of her subscriptions? Is this really her YouTube site or was it created by some third party? Corsi is reporting that Loughner once worked for Giffords so does this point to a connection?

Jerome Corsi has more at WND

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