Friday, January 28, 2011

Evidence DOJ Colluded with ACLU over Arizona Immigration Law

Judicial Watch has come into possession of some disturbing emails between leaders within both the Department of Justice and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that could demonstrate collusion between the two entities. In one exchange between the ACLU's Immigrant's Rights Project head, Lucas Guttentag and the DOJ's Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler.

Via Judicial Watch:
2:15 pm: Ed
I left a voicemail earlier today about checking in once the district court rules. Would you be available then?
[Redacted statement] And from all of us, thank you again for your argument on behalf of the United States.

2:40 pm: Thanks Lucas. We should definitely check in once we hear. We’ll be huddling here as soon as we can. What is your thinking at this point on if/how you will proceed in various possible scenarios?
It was good to see you, even if only briefly, and to be on the same side for once! [Redacted statement] I have a feeling we might be seeing each other again on this case.

6:14 pm: Thanks Ed. Yes, a real pleasure to be on the same side.
I think we will be strongly inclined to seek an immediate emergency injunction from the 9th Circuit…
Can you share your current thinking with regard to the various scenarios?
Best Lucas
Yes, the Solicitor General in Eric Holder's Justice Department told a leader of the ACLU that it's good to be on the same side. Also noteworthy is Guttentag telling Kneedler that the ACLU was going to seek an emergency injunction from the 9th Circuit at about the same time U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton essentially did the same thing one day later.

More evidence Obama sides with Communists.

h/t Free Republic

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