Friday, January 7, 2011


For those wondering about the effectiveness of the Tea Party, this is clearly some of its fruit. On the same day the 112th Congress was sworn in, a group of House Republicans introduced a bill that would eliminate all 39 of Obama's czars. In the wake of the recent election, it became clear that Obama was going to attempt to push his agenda by using executive fiat and going around congress. The passing of this legislation is unlikely but it is a shot across the bow and will shine a light on these czars, putting the administration on defense.

Via The Hill:
A group of House Republicans introduced a bill on Wednesday to rein in the various "czars" in the Obama administration.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) and 28 other House Republicans introduced legislation to do away with the informal, paid advisers President Obama has employed over the past two years.

The legislation, which was introduced in the last Congress but was not allowed to advance under Democratic control, would do away with the 39 czars Obama has employed during his administration.

The bill defines a czar as "a head of any task force, council, policy office within the Executive Office of the President, or similar office established by or at the direction of the President" who is appointed to a position that would otherwise require Senate confirmation.
If the 39 czars - which would include Cass Sunstein, Donald Berwick, Kevin Jennings, John Holdren, and others - were to be sent packing, how many of them would end up at Center for American Progress (CAP), home of Van Jones? My guess - most of them.

More here.

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