Monday, January 17, 2011

Labor Department Fraud? Green Jobs Grants

If there's one thing that is appallingly clear it's that the rhetoric about 'Green Jobs' far outweighs any actual 'green jobs' in existence. Perhaps trumping that pathetic reality is a Labor Department that is issuing millions of dollars in grants to Universities for green jobs that don't exist. A former college official was interviewed by the Daily Caller and is asserting that colleges are telling Labor Department officials what they want to hear even if it doesn't match reality.

Via the Daily Caller:
The Department of Labor has issued several million dollars in grants to community colleges and specialized universities around the country to train students for “green jobs” in renewable energy fields. While the grants are supposed to fund the future “rank and file” workers of the renewable energy industry, there’s a glaring problem the DOL seemingly overlooked — those jobs are either non-existent or scarce.

A former college official who has applied for these grants and has in-depth experience working with the Department of Labor and the Department of Education told The Daily Caller that colleges will often fudge expected job placement numbers just to get extra government cash.

“On ground level – it’s a real struggle – my grant writers came to me and honestly said, ‘I don’t have any job projections, what do I tell them?’ You do your best to make up job numbers,” said the former college official, who wished to remain anonymous to prevent jeopardizing future job opportunities. “But it’s not like lying – it’s just guessing what we might be able to do in a best case scenario, but you don’t say it’s not likely for many jobs.”

The former college official told TheDC that, though his college received five different “green jobs” grants from the Department of Labor to train students, no program has been set up yet.
For anyone who believes that this administration is attempting to destroy the economy, it's revelations like this that bolster the argument. It's right out of the Cloward-Piven playbook, albeit with various government agencies because those who revere the strategy are in charge. When CP strategy was drawn up, it called for people to flood the welfare rolls.

What the Labor Department is doing is also reminiscent of the Pigford fraud. With green jobs, the Labor Department is issuing grants to universities that don't have any. In Pigford, the Agriculture Department is issuing reparations to black farmers who were never black farmers.

Read it all.

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