Monday, January 10, 2011


Courtesy of POLITICO, we already know that a Democratic strategist has called for Obama to use the Safeway massacre to blame the Tea Party in the same way Bill Clinton used the Oklahoma City bombing to blame talk radio. This task will be monumentally more difficult for the left because of the information available to the public in 2011 compared to what was available in 1995 via the internet. If Oklahoma City Bombing happened today, for example, the odds of John Doe #2 remaining unidentified would be virtually zero.

Case in point comes courtesy of another (or same one perhaps) Democratic strategist in Mark Penn who literally called for an Oklahoma City bombing kind of "event" to help Obama re-connect with the American people. Here is Penn from November of 2010.

More on the POLITICO piece HERE.

Mark Penn last November:

h/t Weasel Zippers

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