Sunday, January 2, 2011


Outside a New Year's Eve mass in Alexandria, Egypt a suicide bomber exploded two cars, killing 21 and injuring 79. Al-Qaeda has been identified as the group most likely responsible, despite Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's claims that al-Qaeda doesn't operate inside Egypt. Catholic online reported that all 21 deaths were Christian and that all but 8 of the 79 injured were Christians. The White House issued a statement that didn't implicate Islam at all.

Now we have a Sheikh claiming that the attacks were likely perpetrated by the Jews. No, seriously.

Via Translating Jihad:
The Vice President of the Supreme Islamic Shi'ite Council in Lebanon, Sheikh 'Abd-al-Amir Qablan, denounced the bombing which occurred in front of Saints' Church in Alexandria, in northern Egypt, and which led to the death of 21 people.

Qablan said in a statement: "This terrorist act bears the mark of Zionism, which is accustomed to destroying religious holy places, and is in the interest of Zionism, which seeks to sow fitna, and foment sectarian and ideological differences."
These kinds of ridiculous lies can spread when the truth about what actually happened is suppressed, even by our White House.

HERE is the White House statement.

HERE is an account of the bombing from Catholic Online.

h/t Gateway Pundit

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