Monday, January 24, 2011

Rep. Lt. Col. Allen West Rips Flying Palestinian Flag

These are the kinds of things that often fly under the radar but once given sunlight, are so obviously and blatantly egregious that no one should find them acceptable. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) has apparently been flying its flag outside its Washington, D.C. offices. Thanks, once again, go to new Rep. Lt. Col. Allen West for pointing out this affront. The first question should be why on earth is the PLO even allowed in this country but the second question is just as obvious. Why are they allowed to fly their flag?

Via Sun-Sentinel:
The office of U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, says the freshman congressman is publicly condemning the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO, for raising its flag outside its offices in the nation's capital.

"The raising of this flag is an attempt to legitimize an organization with a known history of terrorist actions," West said, in a written news release.

"By allowing this flag to be flown, the United States is extending a diplomatic right that we refrain from offering to even our own allies, like Taiwan. This action is a diplomatic slap in the face of our greatest of allies, Israel."
Not only does this put the PLO on its heels but it puts many of the Jewish liberal Democrats in congress on defense as well.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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