Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ruh Roh: Celebrity Journalist Backtracks on Birth Certificate Claim

The Birthers are going to have an absolute field day with the latest saga. Celebrity journalist Mike Evans appeared on a Minneapolis radio station recently and stated that he has been close friends with Hawaii Governor and registered socialist Neil Abercrombie for years and that Abercrombie told him that there is no Obama Birth Certificate in existence in Hawaii. That caused enough of a stir that Evans is now saying he never spoke to Abercrombie after stating quite emphatically that he had.

Via Fox News:
Mike Evans told on Wednesday he was remorseful and embarrassed that he appeared to have given the impression that he had discussed the search for Obama’s birth certificate with Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie.
Evans then went on to explain exactly how he made such a mistake...
“Only this I can you tell you is 100 percent fact: that Neil never told me there was no birth certificate,” Evans told Fox News. “I never talked to him.”

Last week’s radio interview was part of Evans’ syndicated five-minute feature, “On the Road with Mike Evans,” which is broadcast on 34 stations across the country each morning.

On the morning of Jan. 20, Evans says he accidentally told one of those radio stations -- KQRS -- that he’d spoken directly with Gov. Abercrombie about the Obama birth certificate.

“I was on 34 radio stations that morning. That was the only station where I said, instead of saying ‘the hospital said there’s no birth certificate’ I misspoke and said Neil said that,” Evans said. “I misspoke and I apologize for that. I apologize to Neil.”
I guess it's theoretically possible that after talking to 34 stations, you might get your lines crossed but if Evans can make a mistake like this, how much stock should listeners put into what he's saying about anything?

Anyway, here's the original interview with Evans in which he says Abercrombie - registered socialist - told him there is no Obama Birth Certificate.

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