Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Socialist in Congress Tries to Put Leash on Darrell Issa

For the last two years, Edolphus Towns (D-NY) was the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee on Government Reform. During that time, ranking Republican Darrell Issa attempted on multiple occasions to get him to launch investigations into some very shady activities inside the Obama administration. Towns did not budge. After the elections, Issa became the Chairman and has expressed plans to use his leadership position to issue subpoenas.

Elijah Cummings (D-MD), a registered member of the Socialist Caucus is is the new ranking member of the Committee and is attempting to block Issa's efforts. Cummings replaced Towns as the Democrats' leader of the Committee when Towns stepped aside after the election.

Via the Daily Caller:
Rep. Elijah Cummings, the combative foil to top GOP oversight official Rep. Darrell Issa, is making his first significant power move to cut Issa down to size, demanding authority to stop Issa from issuing congressional subpoenas “unilaterally.”

In a Jan. 24 letter, Cummings claims Issa vowed to him privately to aggressively use his subpoena power “more expansively” than past oversight committee chairmen. Congressional subpoena power gives Issa almost unlimited authority to demand documents and compel testimony from the Obama administration.

Now, Cummings is pushing to give Democrats input on which subpoenas Issa issues and force a committee vote on any he disagrees with.
Issa's office also put forth an explanation for why they believe Towns is out and Cummings is in:
“Rep. Cummings obtained this position by convincing his caucus that he would be a better obstructionist than Chairman Towns or his more senior colleague, Carolyn Maloney. Since assuming the position as Ranking Member, it is evident that obstruction is the only agenda Mr. Cummings in interested in pursuing. Ultimately, the fellow Democratic members of the Committee will have to judge for themselves if they are comfortable with following his path of unilateral obstructionism,” said a spokesman for Issa.

A source close to the committee also denied a key Cummings charge, that Issa had said he would not allow a vote on any subpoenas.

Since Republicans hold a majority on the committee, the proposal by Cummings would not likely give Democrats power to block any subpoenas, but would instead give Cummings and his fellow Democrats another venue to attack Issa on his oversight moves.
In light of the fact that socialists are known liars, I have no doubt that Issa's office is telling the truth when asserting that Cummings was never told there would be no votes on subpoenas.

It's what socialists do.

Read it all.

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