Monday, January 3, 2011


Lt. Col Allen West will be sworn in as U.S. congressman from Florida's 22nd District this week and he's already exhibiting true leadership. While appearing on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he discussed the letter he sent to soon-to-be House majority leader Eric Cantor in which he chastised the incumbent for the lack of time Republicans will spend working in Washington, D.C. He's also going to be joining the Congressional Black Caucus, which should be interesting to watch.

Also appearing in this exchange is Republican Senator-elect Mike Lee of Utah, who does a very good job of enunciating the Tea Party objectives. The theme in this exchange involves who will come out on top during the 112th congress - Republican establishment of the Tea Party?

Note a key difference between West and someone like Darrell Issa. When Wallace challenged West on his fiery rhetoric on the campaign trail that included phrases like "tyrannical government," and "vile, vicious, despicable machine" West didn't back down. He stood behind his words. Issa, when pressed about his rhetoric as ranking chairman of the House Oversight committee, backed down in an interview with CNN on the eve of his becoming chairman of the committee. Watch that exchange HERE.

Via Fox News:

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