Tuesday, January 4, 2011


There have been multiple scandals in the last two years that were ignored by multiple committee chairmen, who were all Democrats. Now that all of the House Committees are going to see Republican Chairman, we can expect - even demand - that the incoming committee leadership investigate waste, fraud, and abuse inside the Obama administration. Here, Darrell Issa, who will head the House Oversight Committee on Government Reform says he could investigate '600' scandals but has to 'leverage' his resources in deciding which ones to go after.

He's already said he will not investigate the Joe Sestak case, in which the Democrat nominee for Senate was offered a job in the administration to drop out of the race. He then explains that the Black Panther voting rights case is likely to fall to the House Judiciary Committee, which will be led by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX). He also indicated that the Pigford case will be investigated. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is a prominent member on both the Agriculture and Judiciary committees; Pigford relates to both as it is about fraudulent payouts to more black farmers than exist.

Issa interestingly points out that in leveraging his resources the committees are going to see crossover and are expected to work with each other. The important thing is that any hearings and investigations which take place be legitimate and not for show. The American people are watching very closely.

Via Big Government:

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